In a captivating episode of Michy Diamond’s renowned show, ‘Movement Showbiz’ on Movement TV, Reflo’s Maverick graced the stage as the esteemed guest. This extraordinary interview, which unfolded on the 26th of May, 2023, provided a unique opportunity for Maverick to delve into the essence of the Reflo brand. The discussion centered around Reflo’s sanitary pads and diapers.
During the interview, Maverick offered viewers an exclusive sneak peek into Reflo’s upcoming marketing float in Kumasi to highlight World Menstrual Hygiene Day, unveiling the carefully selected areas that would be immersed in the brand’s captivating presence. Notably, she shared the exciting news that influential figures such as Oheneyere Mercy Asiedu, Michy Diamond, and Felicia Osei would be present to support Reflo’s at the float in Kumasi. Furthermore, Reflo’s Maverick highlighted Reflo’s TV and talked about her remarkable peers— Reflo’s Ms Candid, Reflo’s Barbie, Reflo’s Womanist, and Reflo’s Church Girl—who contribute to the brand’s extraordinary journey.||
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